Welcome to The Postcard Mixer! A postcard subscription where you can discover all sorts of postcards!

Here's what this is all about!

Every month, you'll be receiving a selection of 7 or 12 brand new postcards for $14 a month or less...and yes, shipping included!

These are some of the postcards that subscribers have gotten so far! 

Roswell UFO Museum (New Mexico)

Later Gator (Wisconsin)

Favorite Things (Colorado)

The Postcard Mixer has featured postcards from ALL 50 STATES plus DC!

About Me...The Postcard Mixer

I am a postcard aficionado (duh!). Since my childhood, I loved collecting things. From phone cards (yes, I come from a non-cell phone era) to paper money/coins...I am a human antique shop. 

When I started using a computer, I ended up connecting with phone card collectors all around the world. During that time, I was the recipient of immense amount of generosity from people! For example, a fellow phone card collector sent me a postcard of his country as a gift. That sparked my interest in postcards. Soon, I became active on Yahoo! Group for USA postcard collectors where a fellow postcard collector from Texas referred me to Postcrossing. The rest is history! 

It's been almost two decades since I've been a Postcrosser. That is practically more than half of my life so far. For the first couple of years, I concentrated on building my collection. For example, attempted to get a postcard from every country/territory in this world. I haven't achieved that yet but I am satisfied with the 150+ countries in my collection! Now I just truly enjoy sending and sharing postcards rather than collecting. Because of this, I formed a habit of searching for postcard shops online in my spare time...and here we are today.

Why The Postcard Mixer? There are a couple of reasons. One, finding postcards in local shops is becoming harder with each passing day. And even if you find a shop that sells postcards, it's probably some real old postcards that have been collecting dust in the shop! It's not their fault...not many people buy postcards nowadays. Of course, there is the occasional plot twist when a postcard fanatic like me, wipes out the racks and the poor cashiers have to scan/count them one by one.

Here's a really personal admission...I don't like sending out the same postcards! As a Postcrosser, I find that if I am receiving such an amazing assortment of postcards from everyone...I should also try to send different kinds of postcards. 

A handful of postcard companies have also been ruling the postcard scene in the US. This is because they produce cards that cover all 50 states and sell them at a reasonable price. I'm not against those companies but I feel there are so many...better...looking postcards out there. 

Oh yes, there are also those boxed postcard sets. I feel like I am trapped in a tunnel when I buy one of them! While the amount is extremely economical BUT it can take a long time to finish up a box. However, I understand that it's not easy to find better cards online...and even if you do, the price per card may deter you. Plus, who wants to pay $9.99 shipping for a handful of postcards??

This is where The Postcard Mixer tries to be a helpful resource! As I said above though, I have been searching for online shops since a long time. There are many small businesses, museums, societies, and such who depend on merchandize sales to keep going. I want to connect you with such online shops! I do your work by combing through the internet and taking all the risks. 

Yes, there are fraudulent sellers! But you won't find a flake shop listed on this website; I only list a source if I have successfully ordered and shared the postcards with subscribers.  Therefore, you can also treat 'The Past' section as a verified postcard shop database.

So there you have it! I thoroughly enjoy doing this. My favorite time of the month is when I sit down to carefully select postcards from dozens of stores for my precious subscribers. The postcards are packed in the most eco-friendly way possible (e.g. avoiding plastic - unfortunately, can't avoid the tape) and mailed out via USPS. I put a lot of love in every step of the process!

Thank you for reading all my nonsense and also for visiting this website. Whether you decide to sign up or not, I hope the list of stores will be helpful to you! Cheers!